Showing posts with label tall tales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tall tales. Show all posts


Look up. Wa-a-a-a-a-a-ay up.

Something we coyotes notice about many Ottawa residents is that they don't seem to look up much. We do, because we're just like that. It's survival instinct. Ya never know when one of them crows is gonna swoop in and try to swipe your bag lunch.

Anyway, this being the nation's capital, when we're swivelling our heads around, we often see stuff that you rarely see in other places, apparently unnoticed by everyone around us.

Things like a whole team of guys in black helmets and jumpsuits, from who knows what tactical team and who knows what paramilitary/military outfit, casually rappelling down the side of the Westin Hotel on a sunny November afternoon. Taking lotsa pictures of themselves doing it, presumably for their Top Sekrit Taktical Skrapbooks... I took some for my Top Sekrit Taktical Skrapbook too. We coyotes are just like that.



Coyote spotted driving in downtown Ottawa

At first he doesn't see me (what a big nose he has)

Suddenly his keen doggie senses kick in (what big eyes he has)

Then he sees me, and I run for my life (what big teeth he has)


I am not posting for Tuesday because

  1. I'm tired and I have cramps because it's my moon-time.
  2. I've got a lovely book to read. (Nursemyra, it's called You Suck: A Love Story by Christopher Moore)
  3. I feel unappreciated because nobody commented on my cleavage today (although a female co-worker did take a hold of a strand of my hair and stroked it).
  4. I could tell you about today's flirting, but you'd still continue to walk around downtown pretending you don't see anyone - you would still resist flirting with cute coffee baristas.
  5. I'm so grumpy that you'll be much better off reading this xkcd Webcomic than anything I could write to charm you with right now.
  6. I asked someone to guest post for Tank Top Tuesday. Their bosom is much bigger then mine. (Dwarfie only has five on his list.)

Tank Top Tuesday

Helping Manny Blue hang up a purple veil.


Breaking News - Fraud Alert update!

Woodsy, I resent the suggestion I would deal in funny money. In fact, I offer a reward of $1,000 (held in trust, above) to anyone who proves otherwise!


Breaking News - Fraud Alert!

If the Independent Observer owes you money, beware of what he hands you!
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