
Breaking News: Homeslice is in the Dictionary

The correct definition of "homeslice" is now in the Urban Dictionary.

What you need to do now is go to the Dictionary and click on the "thumbs up" icon to vote for that definition and click on the thumbs-down for all the other definitions.

You may be inclined to support the definition currently at #8:

A complimentary term of endearment often used when sending well wishes.

Goodnight homeslice, I hope you have pleasant dreams.

However, there are two problems with this definition of "homeslice".

  1. It could be used for anyone, a child, an aunt, a colleague, and not just a conjugal partner.
  2. The word "complimentary" and the phrase "often used when sending well wishes" are redundant.
[Previous post in which I solve the girlfriend/partner/significant other problem.]


12 Google Resolutions for 2009

Last year I resolved to be more creative and stop relying on Google for my artistic inspiration. That didn't work out; so this year I went to Google for a dozen fresh resolutions.

In 2009:

  1. I won’t be 100 percent wrong
  2. I won’t be out there to lie down for him
  3. I won't spend all my R&D on a meaningless pet project that fails to appeal to anybody when I could have been making videogames the whole time
  4. I won’t create more waste
  5. I won't be signing up for this challenge again
  6. I won’t buy yarn except on days that begin with S
  7. I won’t be as involved with Parkville WILDFIRE as I have been previously
  8. I won’t have a 360-degree role anymore
  9. I won’t promote my articles bar Tweeting them once
  10. I won't be voting for him no matter whom he's running against
  11. I won't watch GH anymore
  12. I won't be surprised


Merry Christmas to all…

…and to all a good night…


Workout Wednesday

The Oranjestad Edition

And the Winner is...

Last week I asked you if you preferred oatmeal or tank tops. As of early this morning the results of the poll indicate a tie - 19 votes for each. So today, you get a picture of Woodsy in a tank top with a bowl of oatmeal. For those who had issues with last week's oatmeal, this week it is plain oatmeal with milk and maple syrup.

Nursemyra, since you showed me yours, I am now showing you mine. That's my little snowman. He's always this happy when presented with a bowl of oatmeal.

Wishing you all a lovely whatever it is you celebrate at this time of year, and a happy 2009!

Beaded Black Lace Tank Top
A top that I like to think Édith Piaf would have worn
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