Showing posts with label oatmeal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oatmeal. Show all posts


And the Winner is...

Last week I asked you if you preferred oatmeal or tank tops. As of early this morning the results of the poll indicate a tie - 19 votes for each. So today, you get a picture of Woodsy in a tank top with a bowl of oatmeal. For those who had issues with last week's oatmeal, this week it is plain oatmeal with milk and maple syrup.

Nursemyra, since you showed me yours, I am now showing you mine. That's my little snowman. He's always this happy when presented with a bowl of oatmeal.

Wishing you all a lovely whatever it is you celebrate at this time of year, and a happy 2009!

Beaded Black Lace Tank Top
A top that I like to think Édith Piaf would have worn

Tank Top Tuesday Poll

A couple of weeks ago, Skylark suggested that I conduct a poll between oatmeal and tank tops. Being that I am a great fan of his blog, I will oblige him...


Tank Top

Do you prefer oatmeal or tank tops?
Tank tops
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