Yes, Ribfest, a.k.a. the best thing about Ottawa's so-called pedestrian mall, is back. And life is mouth-wateringly good.
* I'm not the kind of person who likes medications but with my migraines I've always taken a double dose of advil
* I'm not the kind of person to come up to a friend/colleague/family member and talk like there's no tomorrow. It's not me – at all. * And I'm not the kind of idiot who will eat worms or a box of thumb tacks if you dared me. * I'm not the kind of guy who says one thing today and another thing tomorrow * I'm not the kind of liberal who thinks safety net programs are the end all be all, but I do think they serve a serious and necessary purpose. * Don't get me wrong, I'm not the kind of cheesball man, comfortably satisfied by watching junk tv missing the fun like a spoil sport. * I know I'm not the kind of girl vamps like to sink their teeth into. * Normally I'm not the kind of guy who would go around encouraging people to look at my stuff * I'm not the kind of person that instantly jumps on the "the world is gonna be nuked," "the Earth is heating up and New Jersey will be an underwater museum," bandwagon. * Now granted, I'm not the kind of freak that needs the new and improved upgrade the day it's released, * What should I do, I'm not the kind of person to be straightforward about these things.* I'm not the kind of guy who just sleeps with anyone
* I'm not the kind of person to not put in my two cents.
* I'm not the kind of girl to try to play a man out. I take the money and the gear and then break the hell out.
* And I'm not the kind of guy, I think you know, that spends a whole lot of time worrying these things.[Source]