
Google Poem: Really I'm Not


* I'm ENTp and no, I'm not narcissistic but I've always known I was different. Break The Shade.: Kissing Boys, Getting High, Drinking BeerI’m not narcissistic but I was looking hella sexy that day.

* and i'm not narcissistic, but honestly i'm not that interested in being in CE, is full of apex kids and i can't handle them.

*I'm not narcissistic, but I like to take care of myself. I'm attracted to women who are the same way. (who take care of themselves...not me, ...

* no i'm not narcissistic, but i applied for a job and the first thing they do is google applicants' names!!! i just wanted to see what came up!!!

* That's not to say that I'm not narcissistic, but this isn't evidence for it.

* I'm not narcissistic, but I do love the way I am and look and just exactly what I am.

* Me, myself, and I. I’m not narcissistic but I have to paint what comes from the inside.

* I'm not Narcissistic. But I really have to reveal this secret. I was a wonder boy when I was young.

* If you Log in you could create a "i'm not narcissistic, but i might be the one." node. If you don't already have an account, you can Create A New User. ...

* My hair, I'm not narcissistic, but my hair rocks, and it is normally the first thing people notice about me.

* I'm not narcissistic but look at me anyway.

* And no, I'm not narcissistic, but my mother was and my children's aunt is.

* I wouldn't say I'm not narcissistic, but there are times when kids get a bit self-centered.

*I'm not narcissistic, but I have lived for 19 years. I'm a little hard to impress. The secret to me, though, is that I'll be an asshole until you prove you ...

* I like to think that I'm not narcissistic, but I have a feeling that I probably least a little. This list is probably a good indication that I am.

* You need to know that I'm not narcissistic, but I do know I have my charms and good qualities.



10 Things I Hate About You *

* And yes, that means you, Sparks Street Mall

1. No trees.
2. One word: Yesterday's.
3. Wanna drive your big honkin' poison-spewing SUV down Sparks? Then park it there for hours? No problem.
4. Wanna ride your relatively unobtrusive eco-friendly bicycle down Sparks? Pay a hefty fine.
5. Constant tearing down, reinvention and overhaul -- seemingly on a whim.
6. Tacky souvenir joints.
7. Army of smokers blocking every second doorway.
8. Remote regions of Antarctica have more exciting nightlife.
9. Sadly, most distinctive Canadian feature is Tim Hortons.
10. All street, no sparks.


The rumours are all true....I have a huge crush on Milan!

I can't help it. This young man is BRILLIANT, a prolific blogger, an amazing photographer...and he's adorable! Have you checked out his c.v.? After reading his two posts of today, I can't contain myself anymore! He got me with the lemonade stand metaphor...or, was it a simile? And the "Aragorn Fallacy"... I'm speechless. I'm in love. I know, he is just a teeny bit too young for me. I think we can overcome those decades. Look at Demi and Ashton. If they can do it, anyone can!


Other Things That Larry Did Not Do This Past Week1

People are making a big fuss over the mayor wanting to erase a recording. But let's all remember, he did not actually erase it. No harm, no foul, right? And there are a lot of other bad things he did not do this week, for example, he did not:

  1. Taser or threaten to taser somebody's son [* *]
  2. Unleash emus on an unsuspecting village in Eastern Ontario [*]
  3. Induce miscarriages as an art project after artificially inseminating himself [* *]
  4. Give a young wife that he's never slept with 30 days to move out of her apartment. [*]
  5. [there is no fifth thing]
  6. Consistently arrive late for practices and reportedly party in nightclubs and thus lose the season for the Senators [*]
  7. Kill a baby seal
  8. Protest the hunting of baby seals [*]
  9. Create huge fund-raising debt by appearing nude in a calendar that sold poorly [*]
  10. Tow away a repossessed car with a sleeping child inside [*]
  11. Cut a henchman's brake cables to distract a superhero while he commits another crime

While we're on the topic of erasing things, in the old days, we used to carry big magnets to erase audio and videotape. Magnets might not work on the new chips they use, but what about a taser?

1 As far as we know.

Suddenly, definitively, spring

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