
Other Things That Larry Did Not Do This Past Week1

People are making a big fuss over the mayor wanting to erase a recording. But let's all remember, he did not actually erase it. No harm, no foul, right? And there are a lot of other bad things he did not do this week, for example, he did not:

  1. Taser or threaten to taser somebody's son [* *]
  2. Unleash emus on an unsuspecting village in Eastern Ontario [*]
  3. Induce miscarriages as an art project after artificially inseminating himself [* *]
  4. Give a young wife that he's never slept with 30 days to move out of her apartment. [*]
  5. [there is no fifth thing]
  6. Consistently arrive late for practices and reportedly party in nightclubs and thus lose the season for the Senators [*]
  7. Kill a baby seal
  8. Protest the hunting of baby seals [*]
  9. Create huge fund-raising debt by appearing nude in a calendar that sold poorly [*]
  10. Tow away a repossessed car with a sleeping child inside [*]
  11. Cut a henchman's brake cables to distract a superhero while he commits another crime

While we're on the topic of erasing things, in the old days, we used to carry big magnets to erase audio and videotape. Magnets might not work on the new chips they use, but what about a taser?

1 As far as we know.

Suddenly, definitively, spring


Word Cop - You probably mean "Taut"

These examples tempt me to reproach their authors "in a sarcastic, insulting, or jeering manner" for failing to express that the subject of their adjective was tight, strained or tense.

random drabble Asher/Schuldig 14 Apr 2008 by dark_avalon
Under that impossible pale skin the muscle was taunt and waiting. Schuldig continued his exploration of his lover's body. Glancing coyly up, Schuldig moved his hand lower and ran fingers over sensitive flesh. From root to tip with only

[lymphland] helping hands in the news 7 Feb 2008 by Andromeda
"The skin on his arm was taunt and there was no mobility." Through therapy, Warren Swenson has been able to regain enough mobility to do things for himself, and he has been trying to do things he used to do. ...

the on you're trying to save 5 Apr 2008 by you don't need a licence to drive a sandwich
His back is taunt muscle, pale and sinew, his spine a knobbed line, curves into and under the edge of his draws. Watch, he slowly pulls over his shirt. It’s really easy to forget, sometimes, that he’s only fifteen. ...

Kyou Kara Maou Fanfiction 14 Apr 2008 by schnickledoogr2
Waltorana, himself seemed taunt, however there was an air of superiority as he took a seat, as if he had gained the upper hand in some hidden matter. The meal that evening consisted of silence except the dinging noises of silverware on ...

On The Key to Rebecca 3 Mar 2008 by NL
Follett’s style is taunt and crisp, the action tense, but the novel is weighed down by a weak love story and the incompetence of the two main characters. Simply put, the spy and counter spy are just dumb. ...

So Dead My Lovely by Day Keene
20 Feb 2008 by Absinthe
But no matter this slim novel is taunt and tight and suspenseful and will hold the reader until the last page. Even though I had figured it out and put the pieces in the puzzle before the unveiling it is still a wonderful ...

Re: Patio awning adjustment 24 Feb 2008
When it is going out it is taunt but at the end of the stroke it goes from tight to loose at full extension. The upper arms have measurements on them and they are not even ( front one is 42 the rear reads 44, inches??). ...

There’s One in Every Crowd 13 Mar 2008 by theo
Take care to notice how the net is taunt at the beginning of the scene, but is significantly dipping at the end to account for all of the 5′7″ that is Tom Cruise and allow him to spike over the net. : ...

Fisher-Bot 31 Mar 2008 by Deth-B0y
If the line is taunt, i cannot set the hook (it would increase the line tension). If the line is slack, i can set the hook. So, a simple rule might be: "If the line tension is moderate or less (ie, 3 or less) and hook is not set above ...

Broken Sky [12] 7 Jan 2008 by your offering pleases tubby
Yang's chiseled face looked taunt with worry, and his brows were furrowed, and his face bathed in the soft glow of the candles. There was long moment before the other spoke, the flickering light casting dancing shadows on his face. ...

Return Of The Demon Chap. Three 12 Jan 2008 by hellz_happyface
Her small mouth was taunt and drawn in a hard line, her old bones becoming weaker. Her white, brittle hair was pinned high on her head, growing finer every day. But she carried herself with grace, with pride, giving anyone she met a ...

Let's talk Tasers

In the spirit of Full Service Blogging™, let's talk Tasers.

Apply Liberally is all over the latest round of the public, seemingly eternal Mayor Larry et-family-al trainwreck. Other pastures beckon. Apropos of which, I must declare my bias. My views may be coloured by puppyhood brushes with electric cattle fences: innocently skootching under a wire into a pasture and, ***BLAMMO*** I'm on my butt with my tail smokin' and my ears ringing. You figure out which side I take...

Most of us have seen the appalling video of Robert Dziekanski, and the national followup since last November. I keep seeing things that make me go "Whaaaaa...?". So many, in fact, that I only have time to hit this week's.

First: That while the CEO (Read: head salesman) of Taser International manages to get before a parliamentary committee in January to try to control the damage to his brand and pre-define the public debate (Roughly, "It's not a Taser-related death if the victim doesn't kick off while the probes are still glowing -- two minutes later and it ain't us, eh?") Dziekanski's mother didn't get a rebuttal until yesterday.

Second: That Vancouver transit cops have used these things as electric people prods on at least three people trying to do bunks after not paying their fares. The highest fare is, ummm, five bucks. Sadly, this is not isolated behaviour: there appear to be examples in many police services where 'boys with toys' have zapped (alleged) perps just because they have the damned things.

Third: That Ottawa City Police seem to feel that a Taser-mounted camera that starts rolling when the safety is turned off, stopping again when the thing is turned off after firing, addresses the problem. Ummm, I'm thinking that in any incident like this, one of the important bits is what pissed off the cop enough to thumb that safety in the first place. Not that I distrust police, but just to prove real provocation existed. Say, in a court of law.

I note with interest that spokesmen for both the Vancouver and Ottawa police took care to call the Taser "a tool", and that Taser - by its own narrow terms - labels it "non-lethal".

It's a weapon, dammit. Police may or may not need such a weapon in their arsenals. But let's not let the RCMP try to whitewash their use of Tasers. Let's not try to spin them to appear not to be weapons. Let's not let ourselves be spun. Already too many cops and quasi-cops apparently have drunk the soft soap from this heavy-duty spin cycle, and so have used these weapons where they're not warranted. And people - quite arguably - have died because of it.
Image: Siftings, Arkansas Herald


And also: love, sweet love

The world needs a new model of politics where a diverse ecosystem of providers offers a variety of institutions that evolve to serve their citizens.
Simply put, the world needs a straight-shooter like Barry Allen again.

the world needs a hero

Clearly, the world needs a massive amount of carbon-free electricity by 2050 to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions.
Iran's defense minister said last Monday the world needs a missile shield to protect against threats from Israel and the United States.
The world needs a BRAVESTARR live action movie, starring THE ROCK.
The World Needs A Good Gorilla Suit
The world needs a gadget that can transport people and things anywhere they want to go.

The World Needs a Hero

Everything in the world needs a change for the better over time.

The World Needs a Hero

The world needs a new, non-polarised, and non-contentious politic; one not made possible by those in situations that promote a left-right, black-white, capitalist-communist, believer-infidel thinking.
I Think The World Needs A Drink
The world needs a place like Biola that does not compromise, that’s rigorous in its academic programs — a place where parents can send their children, not to have their values undermined, but built up
The movie offers no solution for redemption and change but I was reminded how much the world needs a savior.
The scale of the obesity epidemic is such that the world needs a global pact on the best ways to tackle it.

The World Needs a Hero

The world needs a better mobile mail client
the world needs a lot more cloud computing choices.
The world needs a little more Robot
The World Needs A Better News Filter
I believe that the world needs a recess!
the world needs a hub.

I guess the world needs a lot more to learn...


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