Present: 4th Dwarf, Woodsy, Aggie
1) Nobody blogging
It is noted that poor Coyote is carrying the blog and nobody else has blogged for weeks.
A: I would like to start again.
W: Me too, but I like to say “continue to blog”. It’s less negative.
4D and A agree.
A: Maybe using the camera is the key.
W: A picture with a couple of words is not so intimidating.
A: And maybe sketching...
Some discussion ensues about factors that limit blogging.
A: Then there’s perimenopause.
W: Or menopause, and 4D, how is your andropause?
4D: My andropause?
2) Vampires
A: Why are vampires so hot right now?
W: Because relationships suck?
Aggie groans. 4D pointedly does not.
A: Is it about gender power differences?
W: Huh?
A: In True Blood, vampires are an oppressed minority group, even though they are powerful beings. Like the white male narrative that they are now marginalized.
4D: Hmm. Maybe the Chair would like to come back to the blog as a vampire persona.
W: What is our official position on vampires?
4D: I don’t feel a need to have an official position.
W: What if Aggie and I do?
4D: [Shrugs and makes confusing hand gestures] Well... Why?
A: They seem to have taken on a cultural importance.
Some discussion ensues, but nothing is resolved on the vampire topic.
3) Coyote Carrying the Blog
A: Coyote is carrying the blog.
W: We should give him an award... Dinner and drinks from everyone else.
4D and Aggie agree and the motion is adopted by consensus.
A: Where is he?
W and 4D: It’s a mystery.
4) Back to Vampires
4D: Perhaps our official position on vampires could be reporting on who is not a vampire and who might be. For instance, our mayor Is not a vampire because he was captured on videotape outdoors during the day.
W: And we was married in a church.
A doesn’t seem to be fired up by this idea.
A: Woodsy, how was Blog Out Loud Ottawa?
W: It was fun.