
RNDP 28: Using Facebook

No need for me to write anything this week. Ryan Dube at has written an excellent guide for men who want to use Facebook to find women.

3 Coolest Ways A Geek Can Get Girls To Notice Him On Facebook.

There's no indication on whether anyone at Makeuseof intends to write a companion piece for how girls can get geeks to notice them on Facebook, so I'll do it for them:

  1. Get a Facebook account.
  2. Put a picture of yourself in your profile.
  3. Optional: List your relationship status as single.



Apparently, I have unwittingly made LOLCats. Sittin' on a bus. Oh, the multiple (delicious) layers of irony, here...

Now, 'scuze me, I gotta call Actors Equity about my royalty cheque.

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures


Google Poem: Asking Too Much?

* is it too much to ask that the same co-authors stick to a consistent position within a given book?

* Is it too much to ask that Barrasso show enough courage to tell supporters that they shouldn't pray for deaths of Senators to get their way?

* Is it too much to ask that the people responsible for sending our sons and daughters into harm's way give a moment's thought to their sacrifices before whining about being inconvenienced for a few days?

* Is it too much to ask that religious-right leaders stop talking about matters of faith in terms of violence and war — even as the United States is engaged in a real war with violent religious extremists?

* I mean, is it too much to ask that someone out there is on our side, and that that someone could at least be the people who we have bought our tobacco from all these years?

* is it too much to ask that these overtly ardent couples find more private tables?

* Is It Too Much to Ask That Sex Offenders Don't Have Sex In Public Parks?

* Is it too much to ask that for the duration of the baseball calendar that a guy you are paying millions to, I don't know, focus on PLAYING F-ING BASEBALL?

* Is it too much to ask that my kids keep to a few minimum standards around the house? Is it too much to ask that they feed the animals THEY wanted? Is it too much to ask that they try to keep their fighting to a minimum...

* Is it too much to ask that liberals understand that a person usually has more depth and character than portrayed in the media?

* Given the fact that the Bondy production is traveling to Munich and La Scala (unless the intendants saw the HD transmission and canceled the transfer), is it too much to ask that the production be revised?

* I was just wondering... is it too much to ask that my children put these horns on their heads, hug each other, and smile in my direction?!

[search string]


Feeling Funked Up

The past couple of weeks have not been happy ones for coyotes. After a series of events that would confound even the most optimistic contrarian among us, we have been reduced to sitting in the dark, sucking our frozen paws in what might be considered an anguished funk.

Why am I so depressed? I mean!

City buses are running around with HO HO HO on their route signs so they can whiz by you in the freezing dark, a topic Shorty has already raised in some detail.

The mayor, as some appalling cynic infamously predicted, now mistakes his erstwhile legal acquittal as a resounding endorsement of his term in office. Worse, he is flying trial balloons about running again, now that he's nearly finished his error-ridden first term of egregious cluelessness.

The current federal government's unprecedentedly aggressive campaign to prove that it can out-yell, out-lie, and out-sleaze all previous comers continues unabated. If possible, with a side-dish of fatally hobbled democracy.

Stephen Harper's Canada increasingly is being revealed as a wannabe-autocracy that only serves people who have the same shamefully narrow world view as he. The fact that people who think like him are still (Yay!)in a minority does not stop him from pulling Bush-administration-style dirty tricks, so he can pretend.

The prime minister has also heartily approved of the non-binding sorta-not-quite-agreement on global warming mitigation that came out of Copenhagen, which to thinking coyotes everywhere is pretty much a dead-certain sign -- emphasis on the 'dead' -- that the deal sucks for this small blue planet we share.

All of this relates to people elected by far less than a majority of the franchised voters, in each case. Weakening democratic underpinnings effectively gives control to people who are not necessarily entitled. And makes coyotes froth at the mouth. Not rabies! Just the soap I use to wash out my mouth after reading and commenting on what I see in the morning papers.

The increasing loss of daylight through December has really been the last straw. We semimythical coyotes get Seasonal Affective Disorder, too, people! So: get out there and celebrate the passing of the Winter Solstice. Days are getting longer again. And about bloody time. And start thinking again about the things that make democracy work. Like voting when there's an election. It's also about bloody time...
Image: Arctic solstice, by Eric Hoogstraten at Cambridge Bay Blog, Victoria Island, Nunavut


OC Transpo: Enough with the HO HO HO

Dear OC Transpo,

I am writing today to ask your drivers to go back to using the "Hors Service" display when they are driving an out-of-service bus.

When it is -19 and I have been waiting 15 minutes for a 14 Carlington and I finally see a bus coming, but it does not say "14 Carlington" on the front but instead says "HO HO HO - Merry Christmas", I am not filled with the gladness of the season. Instead I am filled with an emotion that leads me to say "Merry f-ing Christmas, to you too, OC Transpo."

Fourth Dwarf

p.s. As an alternative to "Hors Service", I am also fine with "Ottawa Senators" because I don't much care for them anyway.
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