Showing posts with label waxing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label waxing. Show all posts


It's All for Your Future Pleasure, So VOTE!

At a recent gathering which included a few men and women in their forties, the consensus was that they preferred the natural look on a woman's coochie. I have not had the opportunity to ask the younger generation what they prefer, but of course I am curious.

Men and women of all ages, this is your chance to let the ESIs know if you prefer the Garfunkel, the Mr T, or the Larry look on a woman's revered mons veneris.

What is your preference?
The Garfunkel
The Larry
The Mr T
Free polls from


Waxing Weekday

Speaking of fringes, Steve at the Sneeze has a dozen suggestions for ladies who want something stylish in a waxing job.

I did a little search on the blogs we follow to see what waxing knowledge we might have missed. From Tiana, the Sassy Redhead, we have a vignette of experiencing a professional waxing from 13 March 2006:

I think she enjoyed inflicting pain. I would yell "OHHH" as she ripped and then sort of laugh at the fact that it was about to happen again in mere moments. Also..holy fondling batman! It didn't bother me though but yeah...she knows more about me 'down there' than me, Brent and my Gyno combined! But she wore rubber gloves, which made me happy.

And on 26 May 2008, Tiana gave us a great new euphemism: "wax on the gouda"


In Harmony with Equal Opportunity

Harmony was doing her own version of being "in harmony" with Blue Skies last week-end. While others played music and sang, she giggled and/or snorted behind her Cosmo magazine.

During one instance she sweetly informed the men gathered under the gazebo that it was now absolutely OK for men to get a Brazilian wax. Fellas, any comments?
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