
Emergency Meeting Minutes: 2009-05-10

Venue: The Usual Spot

Present: Agatha, 4th Dwarf, Conch Shell, Coyote, Woodsy
Guests: Shaggy Waiter

Regrets: Chair, Independent Observer

1. ESI Official Injury

By consensus, those present agree that the "Jones Fracture" shall be named as the official lower-limb injury of the Elgin Street Irregulars.

2. The Out-In Contest Winner

Aggie proposes that Bob be named the winner of her "Two things that are out that you wish were in" Contest.

4D: Why?

A: He hasn't won anything in any of our contests and his answers were delightful.

Woodsy: But hasn't anyone told Bob life isn't fair?

A stern look from Aggie suggests that she doesn't feel Bob needs to learn this lesson and ends further discussion on this line.

4D calls the question, Bob is unanimously chosen as the winner. As long as his choice passes the Ethics Committee, he may:

  1. Post a favourite recipe on our blog;
  2. Select a blog that we will metablog for a week; or
  3. Select a blogging theme or issue for us for one week.

Congratulations, Bob!

3. Giving Grief

4D: What's next on the agenda?

Coyote: Giving grief to the Chair and Conch Shell?

CS: Umm...

A: No, the Chair's not here.

4. Planning for our 5th Anniversary

Coyote suggests that we cannot have a fifth anniversary because the ESIs do not have fifth things. A metaphysical and metaphorical discussion ensues on our relationship with fifths until CS points out that Coyote only just posted on fifths and he admits that he has been hoisted on his own petard.

A brief brainstorming ensues:

  • A blog treasure hunt for fifth things
  • There should be cake
  • A party
  • Fireworks
  • A private party at the usual spot
  • A vernissage of ESI art [possibly including art by our friends that we have blogged about, all our art at exhorbitant prices, no money to charity, not even split amongst ourselves

5. Wither the Blog

4D asks if "Wither the Blog" is on the agenda. "You weren't here last time," says Aggie. "We decided that's no longer on the agenda. It's irrelevant. "

"We're doing what we do best," says Woodsy. "Which is often nothing."

The meeting is adjourned.

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