
Good Old Minty

Fresh PeppermintYou have to like that Minty. She fosters kittens. She makes useful and attractive things from fabric. She plays the bass viol. She has coffee with our muse when 5M is miserable.

She may not be perfect. Our field operatives have reported that she's not exactly generous with her expensive quilting thread, but I think she's shy. She may be a public figure with her blog, but she's a private person. Unlike 5M, she reveals very little of her personal life.

Lately I'm concerned about her. There are hints that she's been in a slump:
  • She didn't do a "music Monday" post either this week or last.
  • "A bit of a sick day" last Wednesday.
  • A list of things that "brighten her day" on Tuesday that makes you feel she's reviewing the list because she needs to relieve some darkness.
  • Her Monday post was titled "and i don’t really know what i’m doing this for".
  • She's been going through old letters, selling a quilt she loves, listening to Ella Fitzgerald.

I hope she's also got someone to have a coffee with.

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