
Who is Watching the Watchers?

A clutch of picky 50-somethings? Say, Metabloggers, remember earlier in the summer when we'd go a week between 5M postings, so we'd riff on aluminum foil hats and translating things into unreadable dialects?

The Wee She-Demon is keeping us busy now. Where to start?

The Martini Bar
Were we the litter of kittens at the martini bar? 20-somethings? I'm afraid Conchie made me promise that I'd not get into a 20-questions game with the 5M.

It can't feel good to always be wondering if that person over there is an ESI or that gang over there is alll of us. On the other hand, before we revealed ourselves, there were already 150 or more people reading 5M's blog every day. Some of them must be visiting places she's known to frequent and have a good idea of what she looks like.

The True Eventual Story of the (l)ower (c)ase (p)oet
An excellent opening. Lots of drama with the fiance bit.

More Misconceptions

1. Latest A = Original P, ≠ Icy-Eyed Runner P, excellent. But it never bothered me anyway.

2. I wonder why 5M would think the Chair thought she was creepy. I have trouble remembering his formula for older women and younger men. Oh yes, 0.75 times her age plus 3. Has the 5M been in a relationship with a 26-year-old? That would make the relationship creepy to the Chair. For me, as long as the woman is hot, I don't think it's creepy. But let's not have this discussion here. The Chair has a perfectly good place for it. It's too bad the Chair is off getting re-caned or we could ask him. I'm pretty sure he's never thought 5M is creepy. He'd have mentioned it to me if he did.

3. We really like Bob and Minty, but I think we've seen some evidence that not all 5M's readers would meet her criteria for good and decent.

4. We missed a reference!! You see this is what happens when there are multiple postings and people are taking trips to the Vatican and the Riviera! (Research Department, can you get to the bottom of this?)

5. The line about Abhoria advising us to be more self-revelatory in the interests of a richer narrative made me laugh. Score another one for the wee she-demon.

The New Blogger Button
Have you noticed our blog and 5M's blog has a new button at the top "Flag". Is it a coincidence that I didn't notice it before she gave us the "I love my cunt" quote?

And More
News of Maggie the Giant Cat and pictures. Including an image of her! Honestly, Aggie can't get back to soon to please me. I'd even be glad to see Siren.
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