
RNDP 18: More Developments

Let's take a poll: Who wants the Revolutionary New Dating Paradigm (RNDP) to be over? Everybody. Me too. There are many other things I would like to blog about. For example did you know that there are people out there who think "selfless" means something bad? Click on this google search link if you do not believe me.

But I cannot wrap up the RNDP quite yet because new developments and research keep coming out.

Detecting Infidelity: A study by Paul Andrews and colleagues at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond reported in New Scientist, concluded that men are better at detecting their partner's infidelities than women. In a study of 203 young heterosexual couples, while 29 per cent of men said they had cheated, compared with 18.5 per cent of women, 80 per cent of women's inferences about fidelity or infidelity were correct, while men were accurate 94 per cent of the time.

But then the authors mention these other points:

  • "... men were also more likely to suspect infidelity when there was none... "
  • "Complex statistical analysis of the data hinted that a further 10 per cent of the women in the study had cheated on top of the 18.5 per cent who admitted to it in the questionnaires, whereas the men had been honest about their philandering." [10%+18.5%=28.5%]
The authors do not remark on how astonishing it is that all these men who had lied to their partners chose to be honest with a group of psychology researchers.

What do we learn from this? We learn that there is still grant money to be gained in looking for differences between men and women.

HookupMaps is a new website that combines the personal ads in Craiglist with Google Maps. So far it is only available in San Francisco Bay Area, New York, LA, DC, San Diego, Virginia, and Maryland.
If they do not add Ottawa soon, perhaps we could prevail upon the people who created the Ottawa Crime Map to do this for us.

The Locasex Movement
Perhaps when you read about HookupMaps, you were thinking, I don't need no stinking Google Maps Mashup! I can get sex the old-fashioned way by flying across the country to spend a dirty weekend with my sure thing.
However, over at Lifehacker, Mark Ontkush reports that there are those within the ecology movement who are pointing out there is a huge environmental cost to long-distance booty calls.

The Guys like those Red Dresses
From the Globe and Mail:
A series of studies by researchers at the University of Rochester has revealed that men are far more attracted to women in red clothing or surrounded by red accessories than females who sport other colours. What's more, men seem to be especially generous to the lady in red - and are more willing to open up their wallets to wine and dine her.

Warm Drink, Warm Heart
From the LA Times:
Looking to improve your romantic odds? Get your date a steaming cup of coffee.
That's the implication of a new study by researchers who wanted to see if there was any connection between physical and emotional heat.
To their surprise, people who held a cup of hot coffee for 10 to 25 seconds warmed to a perfect stranger. Holding a cup of iced coffee had the opposite effect
Maybe Nice Guys Don't Finish Last?
From Medical News Today:
Displays of altruism or selflessness towards others can be sexually attractive in a mate. This is one of the findings of a study carried out by biologists and a psychologist at The University of Nottingham.

Advice Gleaned From All This:
  1. Give money to street people while on a date.
  2. If you're at a bar and attracted to your date order Irish Coffees. Unless you've already decided you're not interested. In that case, ask for vodka that's been kept in the freezer and order extra ice cubes.
  3. Once again, the Liberal party girls have the advantage over the NDP, Conservative and Green party girls.
  4. You'll be easier on the environment if you date local.
  5. If you're a young American, you've got about a 1 in 3 chance of finding a partner who won't cheat on you. If you get such a partner, you'll most likely figure it out, but to be sure, you should hire a social scientist to include your partner in a study and then carry out complex statistical analysis.

Rideau Canal: We Try Harder

News Item:

National Geographic rates Rideau Canal a top destination

The Ottawa Citizen

Published: Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ottawa's Rideau Canal Corridor has placed second out of 109 historic destinations around the world in the November issue of National Geographic Traveller.


Breaking News - Fraud Alert update!

Woodsy, I resent the suggestion I would deal in funny money. In fact, I offer a reward of $1,000 (held in trust, above) to anyone who proves otherwise!

Things that go bump

Since Hallowe'en is the vestigial tail of a no-longer-mainstream religious cosmology, and we coyotes play (ahem) a small role in one or two pre-Christian religious systems ourselves, we're totally down with All Hallows Eve. Especially the chocolate.

What's not to like? Acceptable scariness. A chance to live somebody else's (quite possibly libidinous) life for a few hours. Terminally cute little satanists with tiny plastic pumpkins, teenagers armed with their parents' body pillowcases, thingies in strangely realistic looking dog costumes, and other stuff that goes bump in the night, romp about the neighbourhood, to knock on doors and hit up complete strangers for candy, which, if they are lucky, is not those cheap n' nasty, orange 'n black-wrapped things that epoxy themselves to the roof of your mouth and cause you to howl mournfully and make goofy-looking chewy motions until they finally dissolve and leave cankers on your tongue. I digress.

But we mustn't forget origins. History is important. I am semi-reliably informed that Hallowe'en descends from Samhain, the Gaelic harvest festival that marks the Celtic new year. I mean, before bumptious johnny-come-lately churches crashed the Hallowe'en party, appropriating it and Frankensteining it to shoehorn it into their own belief systems to attract new fans. (You thought such blatant campaign tricks were more modern, I bet...) You could look it up. A couple of popes named Gregory were involved, apparently. And lemurs. Cool! Oh, wait. Not that kind of lemurs.

Ah, Wikipedia - is there anything more useful to a coyote seeking backup and bafflement potential for his side - any side - in a debate?

Now where the, ummm, Hell was I? Oh, yeah. It's Hallowe'en. Gimme chocolate!


Breaking News - Fraud Alert!

If the Independent Observer owes you money, beware of what he hands you!
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