
Other Coyote Blogs

We are proud to have Coyote on the ESI team. He is a poet, a photographer, a wit, a genius, a gem. And, he is cute! We love him dearly. I decided to see what other coyotes were out there in the blogosphere. Below is what I found. Nothing, of course, rivals our coyote!

Most famous Coyote in the blogosphere: Coyote Blog. This blog is the work of libertarian, Warren Meyer, a small business owner in Phoenix. He is quite famous, apparently, and sells stuff. He has also come up with something called Coyote's Law. He thinks conspiracy theories are stupid, but I kind of like them. Like a lot of libertarians, he is a clever fellow, but really really jaded. He used to work for Exxon. I think he would think I'm stupid, but I don't care.

Most granola Coyote in the blogosphere: Clay Coyote. This blog was created by a couple of potters named Tom and Betsy. They seem really really nice. They blog about pottery, kitties! and casseroles. Sweet.

Most German Coyote in the blogsphere: Coyote Knows Best. Sprechen-Sie Deutsch? Ich spreche kein Deutch, aber die Bloggen really really seems sehr interessiert.

Most Obnoxious Coyote in the blogsphere: Quantum Coyote. He's a cyclist who, thankfully, is no longer blogging.

My most favourite Coyote blog (besides our Coyote) in the blogsphere: The Daily Coyote. This woman is really really cool. She adopted an orphan coyote and lives with him and her kitty in a one-room cabin in Wyoming. She also travelled across the country in a Vespa and wrote a gluten-free cookbook.


Ask Frank

As part of their expanding public service mandate, the ESIs are proud to offer an insightful new advice column. None other than The Chairman of the Board himself will take all manner of questions and solve vexing problems.

Q: Hey Frank, I over-contributed to my RRSP last year and now my taxes are a mess. Please help.

A: Whoa, sounds like someone had a bangup year at the craps table! Doncha worry, my friend. Sammy had the same problem with the IRS boys back in '68. Here's what ya gotta do. Go to the Canada Revenue Agency website. Download one of them T3012A forms. Fill 'er out. Now getchyer mitts on a T-1 ADJ schedule. Attach it all together and send the whole whack of stuff off to the taxman. Yeah, I know. It all sounds kinda complicated. But soon you'll be scoobydooing your way back to the roulette wheel. Got it, fella?

Confession - Part II


Phew, that feels better.

If this had been a contest, Zoom would have won!


Confession - Part I

Woodsy has a confession to make.

Whether I have decided to confess because seeing the image of the nuns about to kiss brought up my latent catholic guilt, or because this post is my first attempt at self-referential wanking really doesn’t matter. What matters is that I have to come clean with the ESI gang.

You brought me into your group knowing that unlike the rest of you, I am not a polished writer. I classify turnips and radishes for a living after all.

You brought me into your group accepting that I often refer to myself in the 3rd person. Some of you have commented that this is odd behaviour, but obviously odd character traits are valued at ESI.

You brought me into your group with an open mind about my flirting with both sexes, and my floozy ways. Actually, some of you have already taken advantage of those qualities in me.

All that did not affect your decision.

But had you known what I will reveal in Confession Part II, would you have voted me in?


After the Flirtation: Getting some Action at the Movies

There has been some talk around here lately about flirting. Seems some of you are comfortable flirting, some of you have issues with flirting and some of you don't know you're being flirted with until someone plants a wet one on your lips.

I, of course, am an expert on flirtation, but rather than share my expertise with you people at no charge, I am holding out for a government contract. As you've no doubt heard, the government of Singapore has introduced a university course on flirtation. In a year or two, they will need someone to lead their graduate-level classes and they'll be looking to hire me. Either that, or our own government will realize that Canada is falling behind in the love-gap and bring me in to straighten things out.

Still I have some advice for you developmentally-delayed daters. Here it is:

Movies are for First Dates!

I can hear you already! "Are you crazy, Dwarf? You don't go to a movie on the first date! You can't talk at the movies. You can't learn more about the person."

I say, "exactly!" You can't talk at the movies. The more you talk with someone, the more likely you are to find out things about each other that will turn you off. There is plenty of evidence that the time you spend before the movie is more than enough time for two people to become attracted to each other and things you believe are turn-offs and turn-ons for you, probably aren't. [e.g. News or Journal].

And if you don't know each other, after the movie you will have a shared experience to talk about.

Then there's the situation where the date is with someone you know really well. Maybe for years. Had lunch together every work day for months. Helped each other buy clothes. Let's face it, if you're in this situation another opportunity for talking is not going to help you get on base. Go to a movie.

You're in the dark, you can't talk, but you can smooch. If the movie is awful, smooching will improve it; if the movie is wonderful, smooching will add to the emotion.

Tips for Action

  1. Sit in the back row. So you won't feel observed.
  2. Wear a shirt with buttons. If you're wearing a boy shirt, sit on the right, your date's hand will more easily slip inside; sit on the left if you're wearing a girl shirt.
  3. If you're holding the popcorn, accidentally move it when your date goes for it, gently place their hand where you think it should be.
  4. If your date is holding the popcorn, accidentally miss the box, let it stay there longer than necessary.
  5. Ostentatiously yawn, stretch your arms, and let your arm fall over your date's shoulder. Smile to show that you're being funny and know that you're using the oldest move in the book. But leave your arm there.
  6. Your hand may just happen to fallen over a breast.
  7. And unconsciously squeeze at a moment of comedy, tension or drama.
  8. If something scary happens, grab your date's arm or leg.
  9. Or if something funny happens.
  10. Allow yourself to find things funnier or scarier than you would normally.
  11. You can't talk, but you can whisper.
  12. Whisper things like "that outfit would look good on you" or "I bet you'd deal with a bad guy the same way".
  13. While whispering, your lips might accidentally touch your date's ear. Pretend it didn't happen and keep whispering.
  14. Or acknowledge that it happened and just start kissing.

If at any point in this process your move is rebuffed, just say, "sorry, I get affectionate at the movies" and go back to being just friends. If they go to a movie with you again, you'll know you are in there. If they don't, maybe you'll move on and stop wasting your time with a hopeless unrequited passion.

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