

Damhnait Doyle, who with fellow East Coast ex-pats Kim Stockwood and Tara MacLean form harmony-driven Canadian sorta-supergroup Shaye, runs a sound check at the main stage on Parliament Hill, 1:00 p.m. Saturday, setting up levels for Sunday's celebration. One of 'em was missing, so they called themselves "Two-Shaye". Y'all know by now about certain coyotes' affinity for lousy puns... I like these people!


A restful pre-Canada-Day interlude...

This restful pre-Canada-Day interlude brought to you by Canada's latest UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Elgin Street Irregulars and me. The coyote. I figure if that silly putz, John Baird, can take credit for it, then so can I. As a semi-mythological coyote from a certain foothilled region of the prairies, I have, after all, had some previous experience (2), (3), (4), (5) with UNESCO heritage designations...

Don't Say I Didn't Warn You

Those tricky Fenians are on the move. Not content with only naming important Ottawa sites, they've started buying up the city:

Historic church to become Irish centre after sale
Last Updated: Friday, June 29, 2007 11:47 AM ET
CBC News

A historic Ottawa church that parishioners tried to keep open by suing the local Catholic archdiocese has found a buyer.

St. Brigid's Church and Rectory in Ottawa's Lowertown district will be bought by a group of individuals in the local Irish community with their own money, said the group's spokesman Patrick McDonald on Friday.

It will become known as the Irish Canadian Cultural Centre after its deal is complete in September, he said....


Just so you know

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