Venue: The [Redacted] Spot
1. The Stragglers
The board discusses the reasons that some ESIs are rarely posting on their selected days and concludes that there are a variety of reasons and that each person is a unique case with special needs. They identify possible reasons they may not be posting:
- Stressful lives
- Busy shagging
- Lack of inspiration
- Microphone Fright: Fear that their post will not be of high enough quality or importance
- Feeling they do not have enough to say
- Oppositional Defiance Disorder, and the other personality disorders that seem to affect all ESIs to varying degrees, especially, ADD and OCD
- Substance abuse
2. Inducements to Post
The board discusses possible ways to induce the Stragglers to manage one post a week:
- Stress that a posting need only be a pair of sentences or a single image. (But not "I got nothing" says one board member.)
- Assign story ideas or topics ("That won't work for the Chair or for Aggie" notes the secretary as the Oppositional Defiance issue is recalled.)
- Conduct a Motivational Therapy Session by bringing in a speaker like Tony Robbins ("Or what about XUP?" asks a member who needs no motivation.)
- Rewards and Consequences (or Carrots and Sticks) ("With this crowd? Are you kidding?")
Listings: Are any ESIs following the real estate market? How about a weekly Ottawa's worst listing?
Conch Shell:
- We would like to know about the occasional weird thing going on in the celebrity world.
- We would also like an occasional update on your fellow maritime creatures. Especially news about cute or famous maritime creatures.
- All you need to do is ask those piercing questions that come to you.
- We debated asking for more stories of shagscapades, but recalled that they seem to come naturally, all on their own.
- There's more to life than watching movies.
- Posts can be short.
- The editorial board is happy with your frequency.
- We like that crazy still works for you.
- Just because you're not in the sidebar and don't have a day doesn't mean we don't expect more contributions from you.
- No need to escalate things with Tank Top Tuesday. As you were advised by 7th Heathen, imaginations will fill in the details.
- However, if you switch days with someone, make sure that person knows they are expected to do a Tank Top Tuesday posting.
- Keep up the good work.
- Attending an ESI meeting with female guests, or attending a bloggers' brunch that single female bloggers are attending does not place you under an obligation to date any of those women.
- No need for specific instructions for you because it is obvious by your posting the minutes that you found yourself at the Spontaneous Meeting of the Editorial Board.