
The humanity...

With PM Stephen Harper's recent trashing of Jumpin' Jack Flash...

...the insanity of world politics and the built-in escalation of mutually assured destruction guarantees that some uber-competitive alpha dog type will up the ante until the world careens on greased rails into a post-modern wasteland completely lacking decent enforcement of U.S. copyright laws. And who might fill that role?

Vladimir Putin, of course. With an, ummm, impromptu rendition of the inimitable Fats Domino's Blueberry Hill:

The humanity! Oh, the humanity! My heart and large sensitive ears bleed... at least until the inevitable Digital Millenium Copyright Act takedown notices are issued. Soon! Please...


Arms Free

There is driving hands-free, and then there is...


Warning: Cool people will be thrown from building

Credit: my keen-eyed nephew


Feet, however, are permitted

Alexandria, Ont., Nov. 21
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