
Time to publog the parliamentary dining room...

Senator CĂ©line Hervieux-Payette has gleefully tweeted that the Parliamentary Dining Room will, for the first time, soon serve up seal on its justly-renowned silver platters.

Publog time! One simply can't turn down such an obviously-patriotic opportunity!

But in the spirit of full disclosure, one must warn fellow ESIs that one has actually eaten seal on occasion. As a practiced connoisseur of portable, potable furballs, I hafta say that, PETA-ensnaring terminal cutes aside, it is stringy, oily, dark, and more than kinda fishy-tasting. Maybe why they're doin' it sometime around the Ides of March.

You have been warned. And I hope the decadent mounds of chocolate-y desserts are especially good that day. . .
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