Called by: The Chair
Venue: Not the Usual Spot
Present: The Chair, 4th Dwarf
Absent with or without the usual lame-o excuse: Eigga, Coyote, Conch Shell, The Independent Observer
Guest: The Amazon
Food: Wings, Chicken
Beverages: Beer, Coke
Major Topics: Conch Shell Blogs !?!, Audrey Blogs !, Coyote’s word count
The Chair called the meeting to order at 17:32.
A point-of-order came from the floor. Transcript follows.
4thDwarf: Mr. Chair. I believe we may not have quorum.
Chair: I will take the roll call. Thank you. All those present say aye.
4thDwarf: Aye
Chair: Aye
(Crickets chirping)
The Amazon arrived at around 18:00 and all three moved to a mid-year status report on who has improved the most in the last year among the three.
(4th Dwarf to follow with a summary report)