
Let's talk about Polyamory

Some of the bloggers we follow have recently mentioned their participation in polyamourous lifestyles [Megan Butcher 1 2 3; Francis Heaney 1 2 3]. It strikes me some readers (and even contributors) may benefit from information on this topic.

As usual, Wikipedia has an excellent definition to get you started on understanding the term:

Polyamory, in its broadest usage, is the practice or lifestyle of being open to having more than one loving, intimate relationship at a time, with the full knowledge and consent of all partners involved. Persons who consider themselves emotionally suited to such relationships may define themselves as polyamorous, often abbreviated to poly.

The Wikipedia article explores the derivation of the term along with the controversy over what counts as polyamory and what doesn't count. Along with this it gives a superficial overview of the good points and common criticisms of about polyamory.

If you are interested in taking up polyamory, or if you've had it thrust upon you, I recommend you read the article. You might also want to read With Open Hands: A Handbook on Open Relationships

However, I must advise you that none of these sources tell you everything you need to know. For that reason and based on my extensive experience in human relationships, I present to you now the following illustrated guide.

Seven Lesser Known Challenges of Polyamory

Big Dates

Les Menages...

What are they doing in there?



Useless Competence


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