
Good Old Minty

Fresh PeppermintYou have to like that Minty. She fosters kittens. She makes useful and attractive things from fabric. She plays the bass viol. She has coffee with our muse when 5M is miserable.

She may not be perfect. Our field operatives have reported that she's not exactly generous with her expensive quilting thread, but I think she's shy. She may be a public figure with her blog, but she's a private person. Unlike 5M, she reveals very little of her personal life.

Lately I'm concerned about her. There are hints that she's been in a slump:
  • She didn't do a "music Monday" post either this week or last.
  • "A bit of a sick day" last Wednesday.
  • A list of things that "brighten her day" on Tuesday that makes you feel she's reviewing the list because she needs to relieve some darkness.
  • Her Monday post was titled "and i don’t really know what i’m doing this for".
  • She's been going through old letters, selling a quilt she loves, listening to Ella Fitzgerald.

I hope she's also got someone to have a coffee with.


Should 5M Stop Doing Yoga?

Hopped up on Yoga!We're all aware of some of the possible dangers from Yoga (Aggie's illustration), but what about this news:

Norwegian prison stops giving yoga sessions after inmates become aggressive
...Some inmates became more agitated and aggressive, while others developed sleeping problems as a result of the yoga sessions, prison warden Sigbjoern Hagen told newspaper Ringerikes Blad. ... [link]


Crude Dude is a dead ender

A refreshing roll in the mud and a nap in the cattails has allowed the scene to play out. I'm glad she's come to the conclusion she has. It's not quite axiomatic that guys figure that seduction is all about technique, but it's close. And it's almost axiomatic, too, how many guys figure that plodding down the well-worn rut (described in such *%@?!#&$!! vehement detail by Siren) of 'misunderstood by my real girlfriend but we're gettin' drunk here and, oh, by the way I give great head' is the key to Nirvana. I digress. Yet again.

Point is, while our Muse may be blinkered about the subtler emotional and psychological side-effects of a year-long interlude in dysfunction, Crude Dude's proposal was easy to read.

After the gin, tequila and the reactive neurotoxins of the inevitable fuzzy-headed aftermath (Wasn't that a party...?) wore off, she started thinking again. Often, I think she thinks waaaaay too much. But full credit here: she reached the necessary conclusion. And it didn't take no damn year, either. Good girl.

I'd say her head's screwed on straight here, but given recent days' posts, that could lead to all kinds of unfortunate misinterpretation.

While sex may be a longed-for divertissement, she has correctly concluded that sex under just any ol' circumstance isn't healthy for her spirit. Dude is a deadender. She's got a good goal, and for her -- and most other people -- it's the long term emotional support that becomes the most important part of a relationship. But, as she just lately discovered with M, it's not the only part. Whatever the asexual network thinks.

She's seen the two extremes. Now she needs to find a satisfactory middle path. At the risk of stepping outside of my usual metaphysical oeuvre, I'm gonna get all Zen, and suggest that many of us find what we desire most when we relax and stop looking for it.


Where is the 5M's Head?

I'm more than a little concerned about the 5M's interest in the Dude. True, he is virile. He has managed to sire 6 children. Good for him. However, who in his/her right mind would produce 6 children these days?
My concern is not so much with the Dude's sperm count as with the way the Dude is talking to the 5M. True, the 5M is desperate. And desperation breeds bad choices. Is the 5M really "open" to this particular possibility? We all can see why the 5M might find this heady conversation so refreshing after dealing with Mr. Asexual for so long. But, this Dude is a pervert, a weirdo and a freak.
I suspect this dirty talk went down at a nasty little cougar den called the Crab Shack. A good place to pick up crabs.


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