

Record snowfall accumulation?

No. Nope. Noooooooo. Hell no! Not until we've had at least another eighty-seven freakin' centimetres....


Word Cop - rejected with disdain?

or goaded, urged or incited?

Tabula Rasa 24 Feb 2008 by Brett A. Bumgarner
I've completely forgotten all the horrors of Carrboro that spurned me to move here.* I've completely forgotten everything! Believe me, those horrors still exist. I'm still extraordinarily angered, hurt and pained by some people and ...

The American Gangster 17 Feb 2008 by Marc
The story starts briefly with the arrival of millions of immigrants to the United States by way of Ellis Island and the harsh working conditions that spurned children to grow up and be more than their parents were, ...

Ramblings... 24 Feb 2008 by Gina
It certainly didn't seem to in Paul's case; his troubles spurned him to further Christ likeness. But I am thankful for "friends who stick closer than a brother" that the Lord has brought into my life. He knows my weaknesses and that I ...

"The Constant" 28 Feb 2008 by Wes Raine
I think that the announcement of the end of LOST in three more seasons has given the producers a focus that they have been lacking and has spurned them to reinvigorate the series in a way that I could never have imagined. ...

New Website Releases a Directory of Jeweler Locations 23 Feb 2008 by Jewelry News
A week before Valentine's day, the webmaster of saw the void in the jewelry industry that has spurned him to creating an online directory of jewelers. For those interested in buying and/or selling jewelry, ...

[Physics] Black holes, gravity, and pecan pies 28 Feb 2008 by epicclean
This forum topic at wulfram forums spurned me to look around at black hole gravitational stretching of space-time.

Review: the Light my Fire Spork 12 Feb 2008 by karmatir
My previous mention of my purchase of a “silverware” set spurned me to post this.

February 14, 2008 14 Feb 2008 by Jak
But my recent awareness of the sexualization of youth has awakened my moral conscience. And the death of a recent hero has spurned me to take action and live because of what was killed. I am a grown up. I am a married woman. ...

Farewell, Freya...

Megan came by last night and took Freya home. Home to Megan's house, I should say, because I think Freya came to think of my abode as home while she was here and I came to think of it that way too.

Freya is an excellent animal companion. If she were here now, she'd be resting on my belly while I type, with her chin resting on my left thumb. Only meowing when I make a typo.

"She's a great cat," said Megan, "but she doesn't give you much to blog about."

"It's true," I agreed. "But when you acquired her, you wouldn't have been thinking of finding a bloggable cat. Not like Zoom picking Duncan because he was the most bloggable cat she could find."

I could have blogged Freya's unconventional gender assignment, but I figure it's her business and if she is comfortable with it, so am I.

I hope Freya comes to stay again. As long as I'm here, she'll be welcome.

Meanwhile it's back to my word cop beat.


Conrad 101

News item: In an e-mail to an Irish newspaper, Lord Black expressed an interest in teaching other inmates.

We're sure he could show them a thing or two . . .

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