
I'm not reading Middlemarch, but....

I'm considering renting the video... the protagonist there looks like a hottie.

Here's what Aggie's reading right now:
1) In Praise of the Slow - A book about slowing the f**%&! down. Musie would love this one right now at the rate she's going. I have to confess that after eating 10 chocolate- covered coffee beans today, I felt like throwing the book and the whole fucking slow movement across the room...

2) Yoga for Depression - I'm gearing up for my annual bout of Seasonal Affective Disorder. It is the first day of fall, after all. After the 10 chocolate-covered coffee beans, I didn't feel that I will really need this book.

3) A pile of trashy magazines - After those 10 chocolate-covered coffee beans, these seemed just right.


What some of the blogging experts are saying....

Today I was surfing some other blogs, including the famous Mommy-blogger, Dooce. She was pimping a friend's book today called No One Cares What You Had for Lunch:100 Ideas For Your Blog. I'm thinking that we should obtain this book and write a collaborative review of it.

Personally, I love it when the lovely Bob writes about what he eats for lunch.


Introducing Marmite and Söt

Friends, I have found a new blog for us to follow. It is the pictorial record of the adventures of two toy animals. Marmite is the monkey.

These two have a clear passion for life and embrace their new enthusiasms. The photo I have selected here is titled: Marmite & Söt's Favourite Film

They are on a trip right now. Perhaps to England. I suspect that careful analysis of these photos will teach us much about life.


Message to R---Lose the Nightlight!

I am pro-R. I love his red hair. I love his soups, his dishwasher purchase, his gregarious nature. I love that he married Musie. I love what this relationship has done for Musie. Marriage may not be for everyone, but it is certainly is doing positive things for Musie. Hurray for R!!!

But R needs to lose the nightlight. That is not something Musie should have to put up with.


Feeding the Hand that Bites You

So once again, the nation’s capital is caught in a storm of controversy regarding animal welfare. I sometimes wonder whether this town is a world-class city what with the media obsession with anything furry (sorry, Coyote).

The latest brouhaha involves the local Humane Society’s procedures regarding the assessment of adoptability of pets. Both the Citizen and the CBC Radio covered the story extensively this morning.

The big controversy revolves around one particular test, that being the animal’s response to a fake hand on the end of a stick poking at it while it tries to eat its food. Failing this test apparently sends Fido to death row. While I don’t want to debate the merits of this test on dogs, I can relate to it when it comes to people. I can think of at least two girlfriends that I would not have put my hand anywhere in their vicinity while at the all-you-can-eat buffet. It was just plain stupid.

I just wish I knew about the fake hand test prior to some of those courtships. For one thing, I’d be much better at playing the piano today.
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