
Don't Worry, I know who I can count on

Good thing I like Chubby Checker
Hmm, 9 votes and only 6 ESIs on the internet this week. I'm going to assume that only one of my fellow ESIs would let me twist in the wind. And let's just say I've got a good idea of who that would be.

That individual might want to investigate Political Misery Syndrome.

And while I'm giving out links, like a straightforward blogger, here's one that is only for you Coyote. (Seriously folks, you don't want to click on that link.) Normally, I wouldn't give you any encouragement in this direction, but I feel it won't be likely to harm me as you're lying low, laughing in the grass as it were. (Isn't there some other animal known for hanging out in the grass?)


Saving the 5M from the lcp

Given the high drama of yesterday's events, as well as some ESI opposition to the lcp mini-series, a piece of the story has not been adequately analysed. Did M really try to "save" the 5M from the lcp? And, did M really directly say--"I seduced you because I wanted to save you from the lcp." If he did indeed say this, we're not seeing the kind of vitriolic anger that we should be, are we? I'd be sending the Dwarf and his merry band of thugs after anyone who said such a preposterous thing.
The 5M is now calling herself an "unreliable narrator", and we heartily approve of that feminist po-mo position. However, there is unreliability and then there's unreliability...



through prairie grasses
coyote's voice dances freely
a howl or a laugh?

Cover Blown at Spins'N'Needles

I'm sad to report that Aggie and I won't be able to do any more undercover fieldwork. Yes, the muse saw right through our disguises.

It started before I arrived with me asking a lass on the sidewalk fer the time. As she gave it to me, I realized, that's no lass, 'tis the wee she-demon! And she had a grin on her face that made me think she saw right through my disguise.

But alas, as I was working on some wee stars and Aggie was working on a collage of her trip to the Riviera, the 5M herself came along, gave us a picture she'd drawn and engaged us in conversation.

But you know, my mistake was wearing the wrong disguise. Rather than a dog costume, I should have worn my rabbi outfit.

She REALLY wanted me to be coyote

We cleared up her confusion over the mistaken identification and had a fine little chat.

She went away for awhile and then came back to give us this note:

I'm not really sure what she's getting at here, but was too frightened to ask

Not many men turn out to the Spins'n'Needles. Miss Grafton drew a picture of one. There was also a table full of men working through their issues by making collages in scrapbooks. Now I should probably have practised carving on whalebone because that's what a sailor does when he wants to turn his artistic side to the world, but I thought why not try out this collaging. Here's my effort at working through my issues.

When 5M finally left with fellow bloggers Minty and Lana, she gave us this parting message:

Oh, Coyote, she wants to meet you, bad!

The LCP Poll

Could this man have been an inspiration for the lcp?
Does anyone remember the year Saturday Night had the phone in poll about the lobster? Phone one 900 number and the lobster would live, phone the other and it would die. The lobster lived.

A year later they did a similar vote. This time if the vote went one way, Andy Kaufman would never appear on SNL again, the other way, he would appear again. Andy lost. I paid fifty cents to vote against him because I thought that would be the funnier outcome. It was reported years later that Kaufman engineered the whole thing.

There hasn't been a lot of humour in the 5M's blog, but this new poll made me laugh out loud for a good while. It's a list of choices worthy of the Chair.
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